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Tips for boosting focus when working from home

07 Jul, 2022
A person sitting at a desk with a laptop, working from home

Working from home has become the new normal for many of us.

The global coronavirus pandemic caused workplaces across the UK to shut their doors overnight and, where possible, switch to remote working models.

It meant that suddenly, millions of office workers around the country found themselves logging into their emails from home, joining endless Zoom calls and working virtually.  Now it looks as though this way of working is here to stay for many people.

If you’re one of them, it may have impacted you in different ways. Interrupted sleep, lack of exercise, emotional and mental health issues and poor nutrition are just some of the unforeseen side-effects of lockdown that have taken their toll on the nation’s workers. And with the lack of an office space to differentiate home life from work life, maintaining focus and a good work-life balance has become more challenging.


A person working at home with a laptop and a cup of coffee on the table


Before the pandemic, life was much simpler. You’d wake up, travel to work, spend your day with colleagues, and then come home to relax and rechargeHaving your workday and home life in the same place blurs these lines and makes it more challenging to stay focused and easier to get distracted. Some of the benefits of homeworking include:

You don’t have to commute
Whether it’s petrol, bus fare or train tickets, saving money on travel expenses has been one of the more positive things to come out of working from home. You also get that extra bit of sleep in the mornings and more evening time to rewind and relax.

You can listen to your own music
Not everyone you work with will have the same musical tastes, and some won’t want to listen to music at all. However, working from the comfort of your own home means you get free reign over what you listen to. So whether it’s the radio, podcasts, heavy metal or pop music, you decide what works for you.

You can fit your work around your household chores
Staying on top of the laundry, washing the pots and watering the plants are usually evening or weekend jobs. But, working from home has meant you can stick a load of washing in on your lunch break, and it’s done and dusted by the time you finish work, leaving you with a chilled-out evening to watch a movie, or a weekend to spend time with your family instead of worrying about the dishes. 

While there are many benefits to working from home, there are also a few drawbacks, and some of these can have a significant impact on your overall wellbeing.
Things to look out for include: 

You can’t differentiate work from home
Unless you’re fortunate enough to have a room in the house specifically for a home office, it can be tricky to switch off after a day’s work, especially if you’re using your dining table as a makeshift desk.
Your phone is your worst enemy
A quick scroll on social media can quickly lead you down a rabbit hole and mean you lose focus fast, without realising, for longer than you intended.
You can’t switch off
A common misconception of remote working is that you hardly do any actual work. However, it is often the case that you end up working more hours than you should, which leaves you neglecting your personal life. 

A home office setup with a desk, chair, computer, and stationery items.


If you are likely to be working at home for some time yet, or if your business has decided to adopt a more flexible approach to working, then try the following ways to help you stay productive…

Create a dedicated workspace
Having a specific area that you use purely for work, whether it’s a whole room or a desk space, will significantly help your work-life balance while remote working. A space that you can walk away from at the end of the day and only come back to when it’s time to work again will help you maintain your personal life and work productivity.

Dress for success
As much as we’d all love to wear our PJ's to work, getting dressed in something semi-professional will help you set a working mindset, meaning you’re more likely to be productive and focused.

Take scheduled breaks
Whether it’s to load the washing machine or take a short walk outside, getting up and away from your desk will help you be more focused when completing essential tasks. It’s also important for your overall health to regularly get up out of your chair and stand or walk for at least a few minutes.

Invest in the right equipment
Many employers have helped their staff out during the pandemic in getting the right equipment for their home workspaces. For example, ergonomic chairs and desks to help with posture, while noise-cancelling headphones can help blot out distractions for those in busy households, especially when schools are closed and the kids are around 24/7.

Make human contact
Working from home can become extremely lonely, especially if you’re used to a bustling office full of chatter. Making time to meet a friend or colleague during lunch or organising a short Zoom call to break up your working day and help you stay connected will help boost your focus.

Various fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds arranged on a table, representing nutrition and healthy eating


The tips above will go some way to helping you stay focused and productive while working from home. But you shouldn’t neglect the basic building blocks of positive overall health and wellbeingEating well, exercising regularly and staying connected will help you to maintain good mental and physical health. If you’re concerned that you may be missing out on certain nutrients or need a helping hand to relax and unwind, then natural supplementation can help.

If you’re stuck indoors for long periods, you might not be getting the sun exposure your body needs to produce Vitamin DThis vital nutrient is essential for the development of healthy bones, joints, teeth and muscles. But if you don’t spend long enough in the sunshine, you might not be getting enough. A high-quality natural Vitamin D supplement will help top up any shortfall.

And if you are suffering from stress or anxiety and need some help to relax and unwind, Nutri-Calm can help you stay soothed and settled during times of pressure. 

Check out these links to our products and collections to find out more:

Information and other content provided in Lily & Loaf blogs should not be construed as medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical expertise. If you have any medical concerns, you should consult with your health care provider.