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Why we’re proud to support World Bee Day

23 Apr, 2024
An image celebrating World Bee Day, featuring a close-up of a bee collecting nectar from a flower. The image highlights the importance of bees in pollination and ecosystem health.

At Lily & Loaf, we’re passionate about nature, the environment and the benefits they bring to our health and wellbeing, which is why we’re delighted to be supporting World Bee Day on 20th of May. 


They are a major pollinator of plants and crops, which are vital for the security of food supplies across the globe. They also play a crucial role in preserving ecological balance and biodiversity.

Many of our products use ingredients created by bees, such as bee pollen, royal jelly or honey, because of their powerful, natural health-enhancing properties.
We recognise the importance of bees to the environment worldwide and are keen to do all we can to raise awareness and keep the global bee population safe and healthy, to improve our planet’s biodiversity.

Here are why bees are so important and what you can do to support World Bee Day 2024

Wordl Bee Day

World Bee Day is celebrated on 20th of May every year. The date is significant because it’s the day that Anton Janša, the pioneer of beekeeping, was born, in Slovenia in 1734.

The idea for World Bee Day was first proposed in 2014, but the United Nations didn’t officially adopt it until 2018. World Bee Day is important because it acknowledges and highlights the vital role that bees play in the planet’s biodiversity and ecosystem.

The day places global focus on the importance of preserving the world’s bee population, which is becoming increasingly endangered and in need of human intervention to survive. Bees play a vital role in ensuring healthy crops and plant-based food supplies around the world. It’s estimated that the production of one in every three spoonsful of the food we eat relies on bees.

Bees also contribute significantly to environmental conservation and the mitigation of climate change. Protecting them will help reduce long-term global poverty and hunger and preserve a healthy environment and biodiversity.


A third of the world’s food production depends on bees. They are renowned for their role in providing high-quality natural ingredients, such as honey, royal jelly, pollen and other products used in healthcare and medicine.

Bees are also responsible for pollinating around three-quarters of the plants that produce 90% of the world’s food. In doing so, they help protect and maintain ecosystems around the world and support the health and well-being of thousands of animal, insect and plant species.

Bees are also a bellwether for the state of the environment. Their presence, absence or quantity provides a good indication of any environmental changes or issues that may need addressing.

Bees are amazing creatures that help to support human health and well-being.
The honey they produce has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties and is a traditional natural remedy for treating infections and healing burns and cuts.
The sugars in honey – fructose and glucose – can be quickly digested, so are a good way of getting a natural energy boost.

Bees can fly for up to six miles at a time, reaching speeds of up to 15 miles an hour, which is why they are so effective at cross-pollinating plants and crops.
When collecting pollen to make honey, they visit between 500 and 100 flowers per trip before returning to their hive. But the average bee will make only about 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.


World Bee Day is all about raising awareness of the importance of bees and encouraging organisations and individuals to do more to support their local bee population. If you are interested in support World Bee Day 2023, there are several things you can do.

Visiting a local beekeeper or finding out about what they do by reading books or online information will help you better understand the vital role that bees play in the environment. Supporting them by buying their honey and other products will help support their work and ensure its financially sustainable.

Creating an area of your garden which encourages bees to visit will help keep your local bee population healthy. Planting nectar-bearing flowers, shrubs and trees is the best way to do this.
You could set up a pollinator or ‘bee hotel’ on your patio or in your garden. They are easy to make yourself for a fun project with the kids or are available ready-made from most DIY stores or garden centres.
If you’re treating and feeding your lawn or plants, use insect-friendly pesticides.
Use them either first thing in the morning or late at night, in warm, calm weather, as this is when bees withdraw from the flowers.